Preferred partner to the Veterinary Industry since 1929

History/About Us

about mld & our history

About MLD Veterinary Suppliers

instrument care

High Quality Veterinary Instruments

Company was found in 1929 when a legendary veteran craftsman Mian Lal Din- Late (MLD)  start producing on large scale and start exporting handmade instruments all our the world. Although it is our family business one side but we are proud to be a part of manufacturing health care instruments as a member of civilized society.

MLD is the name of a family business. We as a family bears this name with pride and, together with the entire MLD staff past and present that have ever worked for our company, feel strongly obliged and destined to preserve this heritage.

Our Management Team

Mian Lal din
First Generation
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The Late Mian Lal Din (MLD)


Our beloved grand father Mian Lal Din (Late) was a well known professional veterinarian & farriers for over sixtey-three years. In the beginning Mian Lal Din was supplying in local market a government tenders. He also holds clinics and is always willing to share his experiences to promote ideas.

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The Late Tariq Mahmood


Tariq Mahmood is third son of Mian Lal Din - Late, he was born in 1955. He joined to MLD in 1972. Craftsmanship was in his blood and under the direction his father he got technical skills and developed new products. 

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Second Generation
Third Generation

Umer Tariq


Umer Tariq is second son of Mr. Tariq Mahmood, he was born in 1982 and joined MLD in 2000.Umer Tariq is well educated, young and energetic. He always comes up with new idea and shape customers ideas with innovative way. 

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